a simple and pratical solution !
We offer a new service at the pharmacy Familiprix Ian-Philip Paul-Hus Varennes. It is now possible to take quick blood tests and directly on spot. The blood tests will be covered by your private insurance.
Invoices are sent directly to your insurer. You don’t pay anything during you test. The cost of the tests is covered by most private or group insurance plans.
New service
blood tests by appointment
your blood tests at your preffered pharmacy
familiprix varennes
make an appointment
Mention where you want your appointment :
Familiprix Varennes.
our most recent chronicles
Fever Blisters
If you have ever seen a doctor or nurse practitioner and received
Stomach flu
A person with gastroenteritis is contagious as soon as they develop symptoms
Probiotics are "good" bacteria in the intestines. They are small living organisms.